I'm extremely excited! While I eagerly awaited my trip to Portland, OR (or Vegan Meca as I sometimes refer to it) last August, I dreamt of Go Max Go vegan candy bars. I waited and waited and then finally the day arrived, we took our trip, and we found ourselves purchasing these delectable treats from Food Fight Grocery in Portland. These candy bars were everything I wanted them to be and Heather and I looked at each other with sad eyes as we left Portland to return to the east coast, both of us pawing at the windows as we salivated over candy bars that we knew we'd never see again... or at least not until we returned to Oregon again next year (I did grow up there after all).
A couple of weeks went by and Heather and I continued to long for the chocolatey goodness that we'd experienced in Oregon. We looked and looked for these bars all over Greensboro and Winston-Salem and I even searched for them during a business trip to D.C. (where I lived for several years). Alas, I searched without success.

Then one day, we were at Earth Fare when we happened to notice as we were leaving, a suggestion box. Heather and I figured it couldn't hurt, so we filled out a request
for Go Max Go candy bars. Well, recently Heather and I perused the candy section of Earth Fare and to our excitement, we found that they now carry them!!!!! I've never actually made a suggestion to a store before, so I was so happy that they'd listened to our request! Now we have to control our urges to indulge in these delicious things 24-7 instead of dreaming about them (okay, maybe I still dream about them a little). Heather and I have been so happy to have them available to us. We give them a paw and a fist up.
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